Our Mission

We are a small group of local volunteers who make a positive difference to the quality of life of people living with dementia and also their carers and families.

We are part of Purple Angels, a global organisation raising awareness about Dementia in local shops, schools and businesses. Our aim is to improve the general understanding of dementia so that local people living with the condition receive sympathetic support from the wider community while still living in their homes.

Spelthorne Dementia Support is our local charity, covering mainly the borough of Spelthorne. We offer support for people living with Dementia and their families and/or carers.

Get in Touch
Our Services

Memory Cafe

Enjoy a cup of tea and a chat, entertainment, followed by lunch (arrive by 11 am if you require lunch)

Morning Coffee for Carers

Family members who are caring for loved ones meet up for a chat and some advice from us and other presenters.


One day trips throughout the year. We visit the seaside, historical buildings, museums, etc.

Buddy scheme

A volunteer visits your loved one once a week. Carers have time for themselves.

Dementia Workshops

Workshops for family members/carers.
Workshops for businesses.

GPS Locators

Service offered by the Runnymede Council to help locate your loved one.

Upcoming Events

The Open Minds Cafe

Spelthorne Dementia Support hold a gathering at the Greeno Centre in Shepperton called “The Open Minds Cafe”, from 10.30 am to 2.00 pm every other Monday. We offer advice, support and information and we'd like to invite anyone who is affected in any way with dementia to join us for entertainment and lunch at:

The Greeno Centre, Glebeland Gardens, Shepperton TW17 9DH

8th January
Johnny Q

22nd January
Billy Clayton

5th February
Terry Gleed

19th February
Adina Smallwood

4th March
Hayley Judge

18th March
Beth Sherburn

15th April
Take Two Duo

29th April
Graham Broad

13th May
Eleanor Mary

10th June
Take Two Duo

24th June
Johnny Q

8th July
Margaret (Harpist)

22nd July
Hayley Judge

5th August
Adina Smallwood

19th August
Billy Clayton

2nd Septmber
Terry Gleed

16th September
Graham Broad

30th September
Steve Robbins

14th October
Take Two Duo

28th October

11th November
Hayley Judge

25th November

9th December
Johnny Q

23rd December
Billy Clayton


WRAD - World Rocks Against Dementia

September 21st - Concert at the Jubilee Hall